Monday, June 23, 2014

a minute or two of randomness

Since we last met, I've lost another 5 pounds, whoopie, bringing my total up to 33 pounds GONE!  Hopefully, those suckers won't ever be coming back!!  It's the first time since high school (roughly 17 years old) that I've weighed under 180 pounds!  I'm totally stoked about it, but I am still struggling to accept that I'm only averaging 5 pounds per month.  My initial goal was 62 pounds in 9 months (meaning September of this year) but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen.  So I've adjusted my expectations, and decided I don't care how long it takes, I'm going to hit my weight goal of 150 no matter what.  On that note... the base is doing a 4th of July celebration like they do every year, but this year they're including a 5K COLOR RUN!!!  I've never done a 5K, let alone a color run, so I'm SUPER stoked - two firsts at once :)  The hubs and I are gonna do it together, yes he's actually going to go at MY pace, which makes me super happy.  I know it's about the fun and the experience, not the speed/time, but I really hope to run/jog the entire thing... NO WALKING is my goal!!  We're going to get our fancy white shirts this week and I'm gonna mark 'em up with the date and event name... I'm assuming since it's a free thing they won't have the typical "color run" swag, so I'm gonna make my own :)

Aside from getting to celebrate Independence day with exercise, possibly trying out that climbing wall, some tasty food booth noms and FIREWORKS, it means we're only two days away from our trip to MALTA!!  We're going the 6th through the 9th and I cannot friggin wait!!  We'll be staying on the sister island of Gozo, which I hear is the "older people's" section, which is exactly what I'm hoping for!  My intention is to spend as much time on the beach/in the Mediterranean as we can and maybe get in some time walking the islands and seeing the ancient ruins all over!  We're also going to spend one half day doing a boat tour of nearby caves/lagoons and possibly some snorkeling!

We're staying at the Grand Hotel - check it out HERE - and we'll hopefully get to see some of the awesome places listed HERE, HERE, and HERE!  I honestly don't think that 3 days will be enough!  If we like it a bunch, maybe we'll go back again before we leave Italy next year??

That being said... I just couldn't wait for my chance of soaking up the sun, so this past Saturday (June 21) we went on a boat tour of Croatia, well a tiny portion of Croatia that is.  For those of you who don't know your European geography, which I'll admit, I didn't know that Croatia existed until I moved here (I opted out of World Geography when I was in high school... sorry Ms. Baier :D)... here's some visuals for you:

As you can see, the entire country of Croatia is in red, and we didn't really even delve into a slight portion of it... but it was fun and beautiful - honestly I've NEVER seen water so blue, so clean, and so CLEAR!  It was wonderful.  I'm going to upload pics in a few days and I'll be sure to share with all of you :)  Until then, here's a panorama I took with my cell phone of the city of Rovinj (or Rovingo in Italian)...

Until next time...

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